Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Holocaust Denial

If someone came up to me and told me that the Holocaust never happened, I would ask them to explain why they believed that. After the tell me about how the holocaust didn't happen I would tell them that I believe the Holocaust did happen. I would tell them about all the evidence that supports that the Holocaust did happen. There are still existing concentration camps throughout Europe and the most famous one: Auschwitz is still around. If you go to the concentration camps you can find gas chamber and crematoria where people were killed and there bodies burned to ashes. I would also show the person some of the pictures taken of the Jews in the concentration camps during the war. Pictures are worth a thousand words and you can't say something didn't happen if you have real photos of the event. If this isn't enough evidence then I would tell the people about the survivors. Why would millions of people tattoo their arms with numbers? How do you go up to a survivor and tell him/her that the Holocaust never happened when they lived through it? 

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